How to Get an Urgent Cash Loan Even Without A Good Credit Score?

We are living in a world of uncertainty, where the money is considered as the fuel of life. You can have an emergency anywhere and anytime and availing an urgent cash loan is the best solution. But what if you have a bad credit history? Your lender will avoid you and do not approve your loan! But don’t worry, you can still get a loan, even with a poor credit score.

What is a Bad Credit Score?

Bad or poor credit score can be a result of the poor management of your loan payables. This can be due to any of the reasons mentioned below:

  • If you have missed your recurring payments on your credit cards

  • If you have missed any late payments on your credit cards

  • Subjected to too many hard enquiries

  • Foreclosure

  • Any settled account or written-off loans

Tips to Help Improve Your Credit Score

Having a bad credit score can put you in your lender’s bad book, and any future application with your lender will get rejected. In this blog, we shall discuss some methods that can help you qualify for an urgent cash loan promptly with a poor credit history.

  • Get peer-to-peer loans - This is one of the easiest and quickest ways to get cash instantly to cater to your needs. There are many online lending platforms which collect your information and process your application within no time. You can get an urgent cash loan immediately after the initial approval. The rules of getting the loan are more flexible and the possibility of accessing credit is also greater.

  • Get a loan against your assets - You can get an unsecured urgent loan approved instantly even when you have a bad credit score. For this, you need to provide your assets for your lender to qualify you for an urgent loan. In this type of loan, the interest rates may be slightly higher as you have a bad credit score. This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get funds easily for your immediate requirements.

  • Get secured credit cards from your banking partner - With secured credit cards, you can avail instant cash even when you are having a bad credit score. If you have a fixed depositing account, then it is easy to get a credit card from your banking partner. The credit limit assigned is 70-80% of the monetary value of your fixed deposit.

  • Apply for a loan with a co-applicant - In case you are having a low credit score, then you can apply for a loan with the help of a co-applicant. The co-applicant can be your relative or friend and should be a primary applicant having a good credit history and income.

If all the above-discussed points are failing, then you can consider this last option:

  • Communicate with your lender - You can lastly go directly and communicate or negotiate with your lender to get a better price or a better deal. This way, you can get an urgent cash loan, even when you have a bad credit history.


You should always remember that a good credit score can only help you qualify for a low-interest urgent loan instantly. So, do not miss on your payments, as it can badly affect your credit score. If waiting is not an option for you, then consider applying for an urgent cash loan from FlexSalary. Because it is easy to apply with FlexSalary and they swiftly approve and instantly disburses the funds into your account.


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